Chameleon: My True Face

160 It's Too Late... **

But, she noticed there was more to it than what she initially thought. Wuxing just was… extra passionate that evening.

"Ahh… Ah…" Her suppressed moans tried to break through the barrier in the form of their sheets. For Wuxing, it was the melody to his ears so he definitely disliked them being drowned out.

Thrusting without warning in the least expected moment when her butt was just about to lower on its own, swallowing the whole beast inside while trying to unsuccessfully tame it, Wuxing caused Dongmei to finally feel what it's meant to have a partner like him.

"Ah! So deep!" Dongmei exclaimed as she rose upwards without caring that their naughty game would be discovered but Wuxing was ready to continue pushing the boundaries.

He grasped her butt with two hands, squeezing both lumps of a delicate mix of fat and muscles before using it as a lever to lift his hips. In the process, his member disappeared inside her all the way to his base, resulting in another wave of weird pleasure to kick into her world.

Twitching and wiggling, it teased and rubbed against her baby room sending spasms across her body, causing her eyes to shiver as if they were cold. He didn't release the hold, tingling her end till she was at her limits.

"…" Dongmei opened her mouth to complain as she arched her back and rose up on her arms, glancing behind her yet the voice she tried to use didn't come out, knowing her body enjoyed his little games.

Before she knew, her body stood still yet Wuxing's hips began crushing against her own like stormy waves against the ship. Steadily plunging inside her only to gain a sudden burst of energy that probably wished to remodel her heart-shaped bottom with its hammering.

There was no hammer involved yet she felt her body slowly transforming into a forge with her butt turning into an anvil.

Dongmei reached out behind as her back lowered even more and placed her hands on top of his. She knew that he won't resist and held them but honestly, Dongmei didn't think this through enough.

"I was just about to take them on my own, hehe." Wuxing giggled as he firmly held onto his palms.

Instead of gently holding her, Wuxing suddenly pulled her by her arms from behind before catching her into his arms while still pumping forward with his hips.

"Ah… you are so rough…" Dongmei moaned softly as she covered his hands that began grasping and rubbing her breasts without restraints before extending her neck backward, searching to find his sweet lips that she could savor.

"Mhmm…" She didn't need to search for long as Wuxing was right there for her when she just turned her head to the side. Dongmei unconsciously held onto his hair at the back of his head, pressing his lips against hers so he wouldn't escape.

They reached a stalemate in this position, with Wuxing slowing down his assault to enjoy their kiss with more peace.

"You don't like it…?" Wuxing whispered before returning to kissing, stealing her breath away before biting on her tongue the moment she tried to pull away.

"…I like it…" Dongmei whispered back to him, still feeling his teeth on her tongue and locked on his gaze at the length of the tip of their noses. She enjoyed delving into his eyes, trying to discover new things about him.

His hips stopped moving, yet the energizing energy kept hopping between their naked bodies. They were one, for now, and ever.

Dongmei leaned over, breaking the short break and bit on his lip as revenge, pulling on it with the fearlessness of a tigress but her partner, the king of the jungle couldn't give in to her.

"Ah… Mhmmm…" Her nipples were squashed and pulled before her breasts received a fierce squeeze which forced her clamp loose. Wuxing used the chance and slammed his member inside her, forcing her tongue out before entwining around it on the open air.

While still moving, Wuxing dropped to the bed, not willing to pull out from their connection and extended his right hand downward, rubbing on her cherry while resuming the rhythmic exercise from before.

"Ah! I will— Mhmm…" She wanted to announce her ecstasy levels raising but Wuxing already knew, feeling the wetness from her juices spurting out of control and shut her mouth with her lips.

"Mhmm!" It wasn't long before Dongmei skimmed her hand on his arm reaching towards his fingers as if giving him a go sign while preventing him from stopping and pressed them harder against her own entrance.

Her back lay down on his belly and chest yet suddenly as if her body was possessed by some demons, it arched upwards, trembling and twitching while her legs dove dip into the sheets acting like she tried to escape. Unfortunately, she was locked within Wuxing's embrace without a way back.

Dongmei shivered, thirsting for breath that Wuxing took away but he didn't cooperate, catching her leg, swinging it across his head as he slid her off his body onto the bed and suddenly appeared on top of her, holding into both of her legs while resuming his thrusts.

She could feel it bulging inside her, banging against the sensitive walls as it constantly twitched, making her squeeze and tighten around it even more.

Wuxing embraced her thighs, firmly prolonging her ecstasy that made her mind go blank, filled with only him and what they shared together.

She wanted to feel more of his warmth.

More of his body. More of his touched and more of his kisses.

Ahead of her own realization, her hand was already extended to him, begging for her desires with longing in her eyes. Seeing her like that, he couldn't keep her waiting any more.

Their fingers touched, slowly wrapping them with one another and Dongmei drew him near, following her pent up desires.

"I love you…" She whispered as her lips curved gently. Dongmei didn't mind how many times she said it but she would never be bored of confessing to him. "Please don't ever leave me…"

She pleaded before planting a peck onto his lips while embracing his back, feeling it with whole palms and fingers, wanting to cover the most of him. Her legs climbed on top of his own before locking on his lover back, helping him in pushing down. It made her body flinch each time yet Dongmei didn't stop.

She knew how he felt and there were no expectations for his reply yet his soothing voice that reached her caused her heart to fly to the sky, gaining wings while swinging hurriedly to match her heartbeat.

"The moment I saw you back then, I knew there was something special about you, pulling me to talk to you while hoping to see your smile," Wuxing confessed as he caressed her cheek with his thumbs. "I never thought I would say it but I'm glad I was put into that jail, allowing me to meet you."

"I love you too Dongmei." He expressed himself in the end and Dongmei couldn't help but let out a tear of happiness which Wuxing quickly wiped away, distracting her with a deep kiss.

Maybe it was a boring position but Dongmei enjoyed it the most, having the man she loved right in front of her, pleasuring her as she enjoyed their kiss.


Dongmei could hear his muffled sound as if he wanted to say something but she didn't let go of him, being just a bit away from coming for the second time. She just needed a few thrusts more.


The second time Wuxing exclaim and Dongmei finally reacted, rolling with him on the bed and sat down as if she was raiding on him.

"Is something wrong?" She asked as she pulled away, without stopping her hips from moving.

Wuxing opened his mouth to speak when Dongmei suddenly froze, feeling a hot liquid explode inside of her. It was a strange sensation she sensed for the first time. A thought of pulling out didn't cross her mind.

"Hu… Nothing already… It's too late…" Wuxing breathed out, not doing anything with it, knowing it won't change the situation.

"Uhmm…" Dongmei glanced at Wuxing before looking down at the spot where they were connected and blushed, finally realizing what did just happen.