Chameleon: My True Face

159 Finally One **

Wuxing followed one kiss with another as he wrapped his hands around Dongmei's back and slowly brought her down while keeping their passionate connection unhindered. They were away from each other for a while already and after being finally alone with each other, Wuxing couldn't help himself.

"Wait." Though, just as he started taking off Dongmei's dress, she stopped him by pulling his hands away before jumped off his lap towards the doors.

Click. She closed the doors with the lock on the knob and turned her head towards him, having a naughty grin on her face. Wuxing knew what that grin meant really well. There would be a show to watch.

He lifted himself on his elbows just in time to see Dongmei slowly walk up to him. One step at a time, she teased him by exposing her smooth legs, spinning her skirt left and right.

When she reached the bed, Dongmei sat down with her back towards him and flipped her black hair onto her should, brushing them with her fingers.

"Can you unzip it?" She asked softly as she threw a casual glance behind her. Wuxing naturally did not protest and quickly sat up, dropping his legs on both of her sides, centering her in front of him.

"Mhmm…" Dongmei purred with satisfaction when soft kisses landed on her neck then shoulders before lowering with each second.

Wuxing pulled the zipper all the way while leaving behind a trail of his love before embracing her back at the lowest spot with both of his hands.

Just as she wondered what he was up to, Wuxing skimmed them upwards while dragging his thumbs on top of her spine, making her straighten her back as his palms profiled her figure.

In the middle of their journey, they were met with an obstacle. Dongmei's bra was blocking the passage but with a quiet pop, the gate for another raid opened.

Red spots kept appearing on her neck as Wuxing didn't want to stop leaving love marks on her skin before a pair of two snakes slid to her front and he fully embraced her, pressing Dongmei against his chest.

"I think it has been a while since you got a decent massage…" Wuxing whispered into her ear when he pinched her nipples in between his fingers, rotating the whole breasts in a small circle.

"Mhmm…" Dongmei couldn't help but nod weakly, extending her neck back as if she expected more kisses before reaching behind her towards Wuxing's crotch. "It seems you need one too…"

The moment Dongmei touched his member, it instantly erected upwards, waiting for such contact with anticipation. With just a few gentle rubs, it was already hardened, impressing Dongmei. She was treating it as a compliment.

"I'm sorry I made you wait this long…" She apologized warmly even though it wasn't her fault and stood up, letting Wuxing take off the dress from her. Being zipped all the way down, it smoothly slid on her legs, revealing her heart-shaped butt.

Wuxing didn't restrain himself, smacking it gently which sent a wave across her body before pulling her closer to himself and dove with his face in between of her butt cheeks.

"Ah…" She immediately felt his lips sucking on her entrance through her black lace panties which forced her to slightly bent over, giving him more room to work with.

Dongmei was ready to accept his tongue yet he suddenly grabbed her thigh and lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the middle of the bed instead.

"Take it off," She called out as she ripped his shirt into two, sending the buttons everywhere. His toned muscles were just like she remembered but Dongmei didn't have much time to marvel at them as the moment his shirt hit the bed, she was pressed down and her lips were covered.

"Mhmmm!" Normal kisses couldn't make her moan anymore but this time Wuxing's aggressiveness made her let out noises she never heard before. It was mostly because Wuxing didn't waste time, attacking at all fronts.

Laying on the side next to her, Wuxing embraced her head with his arm, his biceps acting like a pillow and fingers as a massager while the other dove down on her belly straight inside her panties.

"Mm… Mhmm!" She purred when his tongue kept distracting her before exclaiming her again after her cherry got assaulted intensively, being rubbed and caressed by his thumb while his other fingers slowly stroked on her bottom lips.

Before she knew, his two fingers were already inside of her, not too deep inside, nearly five centimeters in, but when he slightly bent them and began giving trouble to her upper walls, Dongmei lost it.

"Ahhh! So goo— Mhmm!" She pulled her tongue away to express her satisfaction when her tongue got bitten, locking it in place and only released when their lips touched once again.

His rhythmic movements mimicking the familiar feeling only his member could provide caused a quick spasm to fill her body from the tips of her toes all the way up. She never felt so good this quickly.

With Dongmei's ultimate pleasure as goal Wuxing pulled away from her mouth and did a quick rotation, heading down with his lips to do what his hand couldn't.

"Ah~!" Dongmei wondered which moan of hers it was but she already lost her count. Her legs were already shivering after her first orgasm but Wuxing didn't stop.

Though, with the fact that her thighs were tightly wrapped around his head, it was obvious that she wanted more.

Dongmei regained some of her consciousness after the strongest pleasure wave passed so the moment she saw the bulge in his pants still actively twitching, she quickly grabbed onto it with a glimmer in her eyes.

The button of his pants popped as quickly as her bra before, being already under pressure of his erection and the zipper followed right after, exposing the tip that was already peeking through his boxers.

Dongmei didn't hesitate and leaned over, kissing it with care, licking the head and finished with sucking while pulling on his pants, sliding them down with difficulty.

In the end, she had to push him to the side and get on top of him, finally taking them all off with slight help from him. With that done, there was only Dongmei and her favorite friend waiting for her.

Wrapping her hands around it, she still left a lot uncovered but she quickly made up for it with her lips. With a few licks around the head, she slowly lowered her head, swallowing more and more with her tongue gliding on his shaft, rotating it with each movement.


Her round butt-cheeks got grasped when he decided to trust his tongue before smacking them one by one, leaving red marks after just a few smacks.

"Ah, I can't focus on my job if you smack me like thaaaa—" Dongmei complained when Wuxing suddenly lifted her butt before gently tossing her in front of him. Her head face planted into a soft set of sheets but she knew it what Wuxing wanted to do right after.


Her cry got suppressed when her butt which was now on top of his own suddenly got pierced with his member, sliding without problems after being aroused to the limits.

With his subtle lead, she began moving up and down, reaching the end of her insides without much effort. She was glad it was just the way she remembered. They were finally one after what felt like an eternity.