Chameleon: My True Face

158 I Got This.


Seeing Wuxing, Dongmei wanted to call out to him but her arm was pulled by Anna who disturbed her speech.

"Oh, the food is already here. Dongmei, Scarlet, let's change before dinner!" The water was dripping from their hair and their bikinis were sticking firmly to their curves. When Anna started jumping happily, her breasts bounced up and down as if they were joining into the celebration.

"Anna, wait!" Dongmei tried to stop her but Anna already began pulling the two of them to the bathroom.

Katherine smiled seeing such scene and approached Wuxing from behind, placing her hand on his waist before whispering closely into his ear.

"I will help you…" Before he could react, Katherine already let go of him and pushed the trolley for him, stopping it in front of the table.

He could still feel the warmth of her breath on his ear and the soft touch her hand left behind.

'Damn… She is even worse than Anna…' Wuxing cursed in his mind. 'If I don't stop her, she will just continue to tease me…'

Talking about teasing, Katherine didn't stop her action. She bent over to reach for the lowest part of the trolley, wanting to take out the dishes from the inside first.

Though there was no need to arch her back so much forward, she did, making the red hoodie lift and expose her butt completely right in front of his eyes.

Even though he didn't want to, being a man, his eyes couldn't help but look down at her perfectly shaped butt, covered only by a pair of sexy lace panties with matching redness.

It would have been fine if she just left it at that. Wuxing could look away and do his own stuff, yet Katherine prolonged his attention by reaching out and fixing her panties, skimming with her finger underneath the edge, all the way to her entrance.

'Demoness…' He commented as he drifted with his eyes away and started pulling out the dishes as well. But naturally, how could Katherine let him off this easily?

Just as he took the first dish out and their heads levelled, his gaze happened to pass by her own. He noticed her grin and she teased him once again.

"You don't need to peek. If you want to take a look, you just need to ask me, okay?" She whispered while giving him a wink but Wuxing quickly rejected. "No, thanks. If I want, I will ask Dongmei."

She only smiled in response and returning to pulling out dishes.

Wuxing thought she gave up but realised it was only because the other girls finished changing and came out of the bathroom. Their hair was still wet but it seems they dried it just a little bit so the water doesn't drip down on the floor.

Dongmei wore her previous clothes back on but she still wanted to change later on into something more casual.

"Mhmm, it smells so nice," Scarlet commented as she hopped towards the table and tasted one dish's sauce with her finger. "Tasty~"

"There will be more coming later so just take any dish you want," Wuxing told her as he pulled out the last dish and pushed the trolley out of the apartment.

Katherine glanced at him with a smile before he left but he only rolled his eyes, no longer bothering himself with her. Unfortunately, Dongmei noticed it and couldn't help but get interested.

"Did something happen between you two when you were alone?" She asked casually as she sat down on one of the seats. If Wuxing didn't tell them about her power to see through lies, she had the advantage against them.

Wuxing heard Dongmei question from afar and immediately had a bad feeling about it. If Katherine wanted to ruin dinner for them, she could certainly do so.

"Oh, nothing special. I'm just teasing him." Katherine admitted calmly before throwing a silent bomb. "I saw him peeking at my butt so I told him I can show him if he wants. It was fun seeing him reject me."

To Wuxing surprised, Dongmei laughed and nodded as if she knew that could happen.

"Haha, yeah. If you expose your butt, he will naturally look but nothing beyond that. I will let him touch mine if he wants." Dongmei said with confidence in her voice.

"That was his reply as well," Katherine confirmed, causing the corners of Dongmei's lips to lift.

Seeing that the waiter still wasn't around with new dishes, he came back after putting the trolley outside.


Seeing the last trolley also empty, the waiter couldn't help but think they were throwing the food somewhere but he wasn't in the position to ask about it. The guests of the presidential Suite were the kings so they could do whatever they wanted.

Wuxing laid down on their bed after they retired to rest after dinner. Seeing that Dongmei was coming out of the bathroom with her hair dry, he pulled Dongmei onto the bed before she could react.

"Ah, let me change first…" She complained but Wuxing didn't let go of her so she could only comply.

"You don't need to change cause I will be taking off your clothes soon…" Wuxing whispered into her ear before kissing her deeply. Only after he had his fill did he pull his face away.

"But first we need to talk." He muttered afterwards, knowing the situation wasn't close to perfect. He wanted to be a good boyfriend or future husband, yet it was hard within their current group.

At one point there were many benefits to having a strong group like this which he could trust but Dongmei was more important to him than any benefits.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" Her smile lessened as she sat down on his waist. "Is this about you looking at Katherine's butt? I am not mad about it. It would be strange if you didn't look when four girls in bikini parade around the house."

"No, it's not that… Well, partially it is." He admitted, knowing it was part of the problem. "I want to talk about girls."

"Mhmm, what about them?" Dongmei asked curiously, not feeling bad about this conversation. "You can tell me anything."

"How do you see this group? For a lone guy like me to be in a group of hungry girls, I'm bound to be hit on by all of them. You know that, right?" Wuxing tried to figure out what she initially think of the situation but it didn't seem like she was bothered.

"Oh! I don't it's that bad, right? I'm actually having fun." Dongmei exclaimed, realising it was nothing to be scared about. "Flirting is normal, don't worry about it. I'm going to stay by your side and look after you."

She hugged into Wuxing's chest and gave him her opinion as she played with the button of his shirt.

"I never had many female friends so even though Anna is a bit overbearing and shameless, I find it interesting. Scarlet is also cute and only Katherine is hard to crack but I think you will be enough to handle her, right?" Dongmei didn't think she would have problems taking care of both Anna and Scarlet as they were really easy to read.

The only problem was Katherine which Dongmei couldn't figure out.

"Well, I think I can manage," Wuxing muttered after thinking it through. If Dongmei liked it like that, he wouldn't do anything then. Just defending against Katherine shouldn't be that hard.

"Though, tell me if she does something to you then I will confront her," Dongmei assured him which caused a smile to appear on Wuxing face and he immediately kissed her. "Don't worry, I will handle it."