Chameleon: My True Face

130 Will He Marry You?

Suddenly hearing another voice in her head was naturally a great shock to Dongmei but just as her expression changed, her mother explained what was happening in detail, "Don't worry, she is friendly. The lady that just spoke to you is a similar Spirit that Wuxing has. They are the ones responsible for giving us abilities. I have been passing on bits of it to you for many years until I finally told Layla to move everything completely."

Dongmei regained her calmness as she sucked in the information like a sponge and commented when she realised something, "So that's what you meant when you said you have been sharing your ability with me… So it was never mine from the very start…"

"Yes." Guan Mei nodded with an apologetic smile, knowing that this ability made it really hard for Dongmei to make friends, but she knew it was the right decision. After knowing the benefits she could get, Dongmei definitely wouldn't complain about her mother's decision.

Caressing her cheek, Guan Mei continued explaining, "I already figured long ago that I won't be able to take part in the next event so I started passing my ability onto you. I have been holding myself back from evolving just so that this procedure wouldn't fail. Fortunately, the progress was not lost so you only need to train for a little while to advance."

Naturally, there were many foreign concepts in her speech and Dongmei didn't get everything, asking back, "Evolve? Event?"

Guan Mei gave out a chuckle and assured, "It's alright. Layla will explain everything to you. She promised to take good care of you." It would be best if they became friends quickly so Guan Mei didn't take those chances to socialize from them.

'Hello?' Dongmei asked in her mind hesitantly, not knowing what to expect but she quickly received an answer in the form of a gentle female voice, 'I can hear your thoughts clearly. You don't need to be afraid, I am here to help you. Right now, you and Wuxing are similar, both being an Ability User.' Layla and Guan Mei used Wuxing's name a lot to calm Dongmei a bit and it worked.

From that moment, there was no fear in Dongmei's mind and she quickly followed up with another question, 'So I will be going with Wuxing to this event, right?'

Layla agreed but did not explain much, suggesting instead, 'Yes, but the details about it are still unknown. I will make sure to explain everything to you soon. I suggest we first replenish our energy as there is a big deficit in your body. After you finish your breakfast, we can talk. I will answer any question you might have.'

Dongmei passed the message to her mother, finding Layla's word actually true, "Mom, Layla said I need to replenish my energy. I also feel really hungry. Can we eat breakfast?" She felt really weak, somehow feeling that she wouldn't find energy to walk anywhere.

Guan Mei was waiting for that and picked up the phone, dialing the chef, saying, "Naturally. I will tell the chef to prepare many dishes. We will have breakfast in bed."

Right after her mother finished ordering, Dongmei hugged into her chest and said with blissful smile, recalling some happy memories she had with Wuxing, "Mhmm, It has been a while since I had one… Wuxing used to feed me in bed, hehe."

Putting the phone away, Guan Mei embraced her daughter, gently brushing through her hair and commented, "It seems like you had really good with him."

Dongmei couldn't say anything bad against him and agreed without hesitation, "Yup. He is the best…" It has been a while since she had a talk like that with her mother so she deeply enjoyed it.

Guan Mei was also Dongmei's best friend and having this opportunity, she started sharing her best moments she had with Wuxing. Her mother didn't mind it and listened with attention, making her feel as if she was back in highschool, sharing her everyday life moments with her.

When the food finally arrived, Dongmei changed the topic and asked after the chef left, "Mom, does that mean you will not have your ability anymore?" She asked this question to Layla a moment ago and she confirmed it. Dongmei still repeated the question to her mother to know the reason behind it.

Guan Mei didn't mind the question and passed Dongmei a snack, feeding her to not be any worse that Wuxing before assuring her, "Don't worry about it. If I can see you and Wuxing reunite, I will happily say I'm satisfied with this decision. Naturally, I expect some cute grandkids to visit me in the future, hehe."

Contrary to her expectations, Dongmei didn't fight back but rather accepted the tease with a smile and nodded, "We will definitely bring them if we have them. But you have to wait for that… Maybe after a few years."

Hearing Dongmei's reply, a sudden sadness filled Guan Mei's face and she sighed, realising it was time to reveal the secret they held together with her husband. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

She put down the fork on the tray, placing it next to her and said cautiously with worried expression on her face, "Dongmei, there is something I need to tell you."

When Dongmei saw it, she immediately did the same, knowing that it would be a serious conversation and said unhappily, "I don't like this expression… It's the same as the one when you told me that Santa is not real… Did someone die?" Each time her mother had this face, Dongmei would learn about some sad news.

"No, no, no one died." Guan Mei quickly shook her head, not expecting Dongmei to go so extreme and said with a sigh, "It's about your grandparents."

"Oh! Are they coming for a visit? It has been a while since I have seen grandma." Dongmei exclaimed, clearly excited to meet them but that made Guan Mei cringe.

It was because their experiences with Dongmei's grandparents were much different compared to hers. They were really nice to their only granddaughter and loved to spoil her but it wasn't the case with their son. The strictness their showed to Guan Dong was just too much for one person to handle. Fortunately, he had Guan Mei to share some of the weight on her back.

Knowing they would take ages before they finished this talk, Guan Mei went straight to the point, "How should I tell you this… They are not as nice as they act in front of you."

Normally Dongmei wouldn't immediately trust such claim but knowing her mother was telling the truth, she had to believe in it. She just couldn't imagine her sweet grandmother as a bad person.

Knowing that Dongmei was confused, Guan Mei quickly explained, "Even though they are nice to you, they placed an ultimatum on us some time ago. You wondered why your father push you to find a husband by the time it is your twenty fifth birthday but it is all because of your grandparents pressure. We wouldn't force you into anything if not for that."

Her mother's words sounded too unbelievable but Dongmei once again didn't find any lie in them. She still asked to confirm, not actually too worried yet, "Huh? Really?"

Guan Mei confirmed yet again and delved deeper in her descriptions, "Yes and let me tell you, your grandparents are not people that accept rejection easily. Our family reached the level we currently have mostly thanks to your grandparents support. Even Spirits like Layla are afraid of them as your grandparents are also special, both being an Ability Users who passed through many evolutions and won many events."

As Dongmei still didn't know but about the events, Guan Mei continued, "Even now, they are at the stage where they can't be forced to take part in any event if they don't want to. They were also the ones who found Layla for me so I can't say anything against them. I just want you to know what is the reality. You deserve to know the truth."

'Is it true…?' Dongmei asked in her mind, wanting to know Layla's opinion and was shocked to hear her confirm everything, 'I personally never met them but I know they have the most senior spirits supporting them. I heard they are pretty scary so I tried to avoid them…'

"To think my grandparents were like that…" Dongmei muttered to herself, but she wasn't worried even after hearing everything, asking her mother, "But isn't it fine? I have Wuxing now. My grandparents will visit us on my birthday, right? We will come back with Wuxing and meet them."

This put Guan Mei into thinking and she muttered, having only one problem, "Right… I guess it should be fine if he agree but how will you convince him to marry you after just three months?"