Chameleon: My True Face

129 Layla

Looking at his bed that was not too long ago filled with snacks but now the trash was filled with wrappings or fruit peels with almost everything eaten, Wuxing couldn't help but smile bitterly. He only tested a few things but he already ran out of food, burning everything out as soon as he ate it.

He didn't want to stop his training, not feeling sleepy at all, even though it was the middle of the night but having no food left, he was forced to finally cease all actions. Although he didn't finish everything he had in mind, he was satisfied with his current progress.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but laugh, commenting, "I really look like a weirdo now, hah." Although his facial appearance did not change, both of his hands were filled with multiple innovations.

The blade that he made earlier was still on his arm as he wanted to improve it later on if he had sufficient food but it turned out he miscalculated. Aside from the blade, he wanted to create a weapon that he could cut off from his body. It was slow and very inefficient idea but it was definitely possible.

He flipped a bone knife he created from hand to hand before stabbing it into the desk, making it stand on the tip. The spear point knife was surprisingly durable and sharp but with his current energy reserves, he could barely make two of them after stuffing himself food to the maximum capacity.

It was much thicker compared to his arm blade which was the reason for more materials being used. He already knew a few future events where he could use it, the main of them being the final test in the selection where he would be thrown into the forest without any equipment or weapons. He would be in a clear advantage if he had one.

Aside from producing a weapon, Wuxing returned back to testing some methods that could provide him with more protection, including the old bone armour. His second hand was now covered with bone fragments as well as hardened skin that he already attacked with his bone knife, testing its durability. Although it defended against it, acting basically like kevlar, he was not sure if he made it thick enough to resist something like a bullet.

With his armour, he was taking inspiration from medieval era metal armours but in his case, Wuxing exchanged metal with bone and leather with his skin, using it to connect the few parts together. He wanted to achieve something like a reinforced arm guard that he could make at any time and retract it just as fast. The goal was to stay protected while having none restrictions in movement which was naturally hard.

Instead of using a gauntlet, Wuxing covered his fists with additional bones on top of his skin which provided him with additional power while keeping his flexibility intact. The only problem he had with everything was the weight that kept adding it, making him exhausted much faster than normal.

'This is not bad for the first day. I thought you will do much less today but it seems you saved a lot of energy as you worked without wasting too much of it.' Devil Face commented after seeing Wuxing cancel everything to the initial look before entering the shower.

'Yeah, I'm satisfied as well. There is still a lot for me to check but I think I can finish everything in the few days I am here. I still need to check a few things like adding some tendons or ligaments here and there to improve my mobility.' Wuxing presented his plans before adding after some thought, 'I also want to improve my respiratory system as well as blood circulation but I guess I will have to consult a cardiologist or some doctor specialising in it. I already know someone I can ask about that stuff but I need to first enter Seven Stars.'

Unfortunately, Devil Face couldn't help him with that, informing him, 'Good idea but I can't help you with that. One guy tried to mess around with his body at random, improving everything but he unknowingly ruined himself after touching his nervous system from the wrong way. He wanted to increase the possibilities of his brain, making himself smarter but turned himself into a retard instead. I had to kill him to free myself, oof.'

'Well, I know my limits. Don't worry about that.' Wuxing assured him and suddenly thought of something while looking at his energy level, 'Can you also check how much I have left till I evolve? It would be nice if I could see it similarly to my energy.'

'Huh? Sure, let me check.' This surprised Devil Face but he quickly analyzed his body to check if he can actually use percents in this matter as well and Devil Face said, 'It seems like there is still a lot left. You are at thirteen percent right now. Let me display it as well.'

A second sign appeared at the corner of Wuxing's eye a moment after and Wuxing couldn't help but get much more motivated to work, muttering to himself, "Alright, I guess I will have to grind a lot starting tomorrow."


Right after waking up, Dongmei rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleepness and looked around at her surroundings. She found herself in her old room and noticed her mother laying next to her on the bed. She couldn't help but call out to her to wake her up, "Mom…" She knew her brain was still booting up as her thoughts were somewhat clouded.

Guan Mei was quick to wake up, opening her eyes while looking wide awake before saying after she hugged her daughter, "Good morning Dongmei. How are you feeling?"

Only after hearing the question did Dongmei realise how weak she felt and found troubles to move. She asked confused after checking her body properly, "How long did I sleep...? I feel so stiff as if I slept for days…"

Her mother continued to smile and rubbed her cheek, assuring her instead of replying to her question, "It's okay, you will feel better after you eat something and move a bit. How about you drink some water first? Mommy will cook something for you in a moment."

Even though Dongmei took a gulp of water from the bottle by the bed, she still heard ringing in her mind and reported it to her mother, "My head is spinning…" She picked the phone to check if she got any messages and her eyes widened after seeing the date.

Glancing back at Guan Mei, she buried her with questions, "Mom… Why did four days pass? Why don't I remember anything? What is going on? The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the car…" She did not recall waking up in any those last four days.

"Shh… Everything is alright, let mommy explain." Guan Mei shushed her gently, trying to calm her down before asking, "You know that mommy has a special ability, right?"

Dongmei knew her mother wouldn't do anything bad to her so she nodded, replying, "Mhmm, you know when someone lies to you. Just like me but yours is more advanced."

Guan Mei confirmed as she continued, "Yes, just like you but also like Wuxing. He has an ability as well and it worked in a similar fashion to mine. You were different."

"How come? I thought were have similar abilities..." Dongmei followed up with her own question, not getting why they were different.

"My ability and Wuxing's were granted to us by special Spirits but you got mine because I shared my ability with you." Guan Mei explained but seeing the confusion on Dongmei's face, she smiled and added, "You don't need to understand it right away. Everything will be clear to you in a moment."

After analyzing what her mother said, Dongmei suddenly realised something, "Wait, you said 'were'... Does that mean I am the same as Wuxing now? What changed from before?"

"Now you are a full-pledged Ability User." Guan Mei replied simply and finding it was the best time to have Layla explain the rest, she called out with the feeling of nostalgia in her voice, "Layla, how about you introduce yourself to my daughter?"

This made even less sense and Dongmei wanted to question her again when a gentle voice called out to her, filling her mind, 'Hello Dongmei. My name is Layla. I'm glad I can finally meet you.'Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.