Chameleon: My True Face

126 I'sm Chameleon

When the Doctor was going back, he passed by Scarlet's brother and patted his head as he assured him, "Don't worry boy, we will perform the surgery on you soon. You should come back to full health by the end of this week." Knowing the boy could be his potential family member in the future, the Doctor had to naturally be kinder to him.

Seeing the Doctor walk away, the confused boy quickly turned to his sister who was already walking up to him and tried to question her, "Sis… What did you—"

Unfortunately, she placed her finger on his lips to shush him and whispered, "Shh, we will talk after we are alone." She couldn't just admit out loud in front of everyone that she was just acting.

After the talk with Anna and Katherine, she was much more convinced that taking part in that selection that Wuxing talked about was a good idea for her. Seeing the respect in which everyone treated the Seven Star members, she also wanted to be one.

Although she was not certain that she would get in, Wuxing promised that she will have someone who will guide her which was already more than what anyone else had.

Just then, the male nurse from earlier came up to them and informed them, planning on pushing the bed into the elevator, "Miss, the Private Room was prepared. We will first move your brother before settling some papers in the reception, is that alright?"

Scarlet rubbed her brother's hair and approved it all, "Yes, thank you." Naturally, she imagined Wuxing's face, knowing it was all thanks to him.

When they finally arrived in one of the private rooms, they immediately noticed the difference in the quality of equipment, as well as furniture but Scarlet's brother didn't like any of this, wanting to know what her sister did that made the Doctor change his opinion.

The moment the nurse left them alone, closing the doors behind him, he immediately asked her sister in a scolding tone, "Sis, what did you promise him? If you have to sacrifice yourself for me, I would rather not get any surgeries at all and just heal up normally. I don't want to see you with such a jerk. All he wants is your body, can't you see it?"

Scarlet remained smiling and pinched her brother's cheek, asking as she sat next to him on the bed, "Did you finish? Can I explain myself now?" Receiving a nod, she started writing a message on her phone's notepad, to make sure that no one overhears them.

She didn't write a lot, knowing her brother would understand and passed him the phone, allowing him to read the following message, 'After your surgery is over and you get better, we will leave Badu City right away. As I received a job, I will be working in another country. Just trust your sister, alright? If everything works out, we won't need to worry about money anymore.'

"Mhmm… I understand." Realising that Scarlet wouldn't need to do anything with the Doctor, her brother finally calmed down and hugged her after deleting the message on the phone.

As she already decided to follow with such a plan, she said in her mind, 'Wuxing… I will bet everything on you… I owe you too much so have my trust as payment for now…'


Before entering into his office, the Doctor asked curiously, not knowing what to expect, "Who is it? I don't think I had any meetings scheduled for today."

"It was a sudden visit by some rich gentleman. He said he wants to invest in our hospital's Surgeon Department so I thought Doctor could meet with him. He does look like he has money." The assistant explained but then blushed while adding, "He is also really handsome…"

The moment he heard the word handsome, he immediately imagined the idol-like young man that he saw earlier and thought out loud while entering into his office, "Wait, could it be him?"

The assistant lady peeked through the doors to get another look at the handsome guy but the Doctor quickly closed the doors which made her sigh. Just to have a chance to talk to him again, she stood behind the doors, waiting for them to finish talking.

Just as the doors closed, the Doctor called out, "It's you!" Only after he said it did he realise that his tone was inappropriate, but unfortunately, it was too late. The handsome man inside the Doctor's office room looked up at him and said coldly, "Sit down."

If Anna or Katherine saw the person, they would immediately know who it was. Although Wuxing bought a new white outfit, his face was too hard to forget. He was sitting behind the Doctor's office desk with his legs supported on top of it, looking as cold as he could.

'Aren't you sitting behind my desk though…?' The Doctor thought as he saw Wuxing acting like he was the boss in this place. Looking at Wuxing's sharp eyes, the Doctor decided against arguing before he knows Wuxing's origin and sat down on the guest seat.

Just as he was about to ask for the purpose of Wuxing's visit, the one in question reached out to the insides of his jacket and pulled out a gun, placing it on the desk before asking, "Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you."

Seeing the gun, the Doctor surprisingly didn't get scared and instead stood up immediately but then Wuxing suddenly picked it up, aiming at him while asking, "Are you in that hurry to die? You didn't even defend yourself."

The Doctor frowned deeply and questioned, "What do you want? Who sent you?" He was already threatened with a gun a few times after some failed surgeries but luckily, he managed to survive till now. The calmness was the key to survival.

"Sit back down." Wuxing ordered as he pointed at the seat with his gun before adding after the Doctor complied, "You know, someone will pay me a lot of money if I kill you."

The Doctor shuddered on the thought that there was someone who wants to kill him this badly but then, he realised something, saying with hope, "But you still didn't kill me which means you want something... Do you want more money? I can pay you more as long as you don't kill me."

Wuxing smiled seeing Doctor's reactions going exactly as he wanted and agreed, "It's not about the money, but yes, you do have something I want."

"Whatever it is, I can give it to you." The Doctor quickly replied decisively and heard one reply from Wuxing, "Scarlet."

He was stunned for a little bit but then asked confused, "Huh, Scarlet? What does she—" Wuxing cut him off before he finished speaking and explained, "She works for my client. He doesn't wish for any men to approach her. You touched her and even proposed her a date. Just based on this I am allowed to kill you."

Seeing that there was still some room to scare him, Wuxing added, "You think where did she get all the money? My client is from the Seven Stars but he can't be bothered to kill you. I don't care if you live or die, it's your choice."


The Doctor swallowed his saliva, knowing his little friend in between his legs almost killed him and pledged right away, "I will stay away from her… I won't touch her ever again. I promise."

Nodding with a smile, Wuxing stood up and ordered as he walked towards the doors, "You will also successfully perform a surgery on her brother, the quickest you can. If anything happens to them, you will die. Got it?"

Naturally, at this point, the Doctor would agree to anything, being genuinely scared, stuttering as he replied, "A-alright, I will do it as soon as I can."

"Also, don't try to do anything stupid. You will be monitored." Grabbing the door handle, Wuxing reminded before finally leaving.

A few moments later, his assistant entered, her face flushed once again as she muttered to herself, "Gosh… He is so hot…"

The Doctor's eyes twitched when he heard it but he didn't comment, simply ordering her, "Schedule the boy's surgery for tomorrow."

This shocked his assistant, forcing her to return to reality and she quickly replied, "But Doctor, the whole day is already filled—" Before she finished, the Doctor interrupted her and called out, "Then move someone. I don't care. Do it!"

Seeing how decisive he was, the assistant could only comply, "Y-yes Doctor..."


Knock, knock.

After finding out from the assistant where was Scarlet's brother private room, Wuxing decided to pay them a visit and head Scarlet's sweet voice after he knocked, "Please come in."

Wuxing entered and seeing Scarlet chatting with her brother on the bed, he asked with a calm expression, "Hello, are you Scarlet?" He didn't want to overdo it from the start.

Scarlet agreed, not bothered by Wuxing's appearance and nodded, asking gently, "That's right. And who are you, Sir?"

Wuxing finally smiled, happy she didn't act weird and introduced himself, "I'm Chameleon."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.