Chameleon: My True Face

117 Deal

Knock, Knock.

The very same gangster that was leading Wuxing around the base, knocked into what seemed to be the biggest room in the Red Lizard Gang's base and entered right after he heard an approval of entry, closing the doors behind him. He saw the familiar face behind the office desk and asked respectfully, "Boss, the guy that claims to be sent by General Long is here. Should I let him in?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The middle-aged man, wearing full black suit glanced upwards from the pile of papers and asked as he pulled himself away for a moment, "Did he give you the guns?"

The gangster shook his head and passed on Wuxing's words, "No. He said if we want to take them away, he can leave and find someone else to work with."

The Boss thought out loud for a moment, trying to figure out the action plan and finally agreed to meet him, "Hmm… Not many people knows that General Long is actually in this business. I think we can trust him. As long as we can hug the leg of this friend, we might be able to enter General Long's list of contacts. Let him in."

The gangster felt a bad energy from Wuxing the moment he saw him so he asked just in case, "Should I stay in the room? This man looks suspicious..." Even though Wuxing acted normal, he still had this aura of strength and confidence around him that could put anyone off.

The Boss only pulled out a gun with a suppressor on and placed it beneath the desk before smiling while assuring his subordinate, "Don't worry, I will be fine. It isn't the first time I meet someone like that. I can also protect myself if necessary. Just make sure you are ready if anything happens." For a Boss of a gang, such negotiations were in the order of the day.

"Alright Boss." The gangster could only follow his Boss' command and leave to bring Wuxing inside.


As Wuxing was left with the second gangster, he looked around the basement, quite surprised that it surpassed his expectations. The whole basement had an elegant finish, basically made out of black marble and an imitation of ivory. He expected a run-down basement but everything was high-tech with key-access doors and some doors even had an eye scanner equipped in them. He basically felt as if he entered the real underground bank instead of a base of the Gang.

'I guess it will be harder than I thought but we should be fine. I will have to change my plan a little bit.' Wuxing admitted after reassembling the elements of his plan so it would work in those new conditions.

'Well, what else did you expect? We are in the bank after all. It seemed like the Boss in this place puts a lot into security as every gangster here carries an assault rifle in his hands that is equipped with a suppressor. It would get really nasty if there was a gunfight inside of here.'

'I know, can I seal my ears to protect them from the gunshots?' Wuxing asked as he thought of using his ability in action. He had many cool things he wanted to try with it but he will just test it later on after settling this gang.

'Yeah, just seal your ear with the additional earlobe and you should be fine. The guy is coming back, get ready. The Boss has a gun beneath his desk so you should get ready to react when I tell you.' Devil Face explained while warning him. As the space of the basement wasn't that enormous, he could scan it all perfectly so Wuxing basically had the three hundred and sixty degree view throughout the base.

"Boss wants to see you." The gangster called out as he opened the door for him and Wuxing only replied with a grunt, "Finally. I was tired of waiting. Let's get this deal done fast. I have other meetings to attend today."

The gangster felt a bit annoyed by Wuxing's attitude but he didn't say anything, only closing the doors behind him. The room also had the marble finish but the desk was made from a dark wood that Wuxing couldn't recognize.

"I heard Sir wants to do some urgent business. I'm all ears." The Boss said as he stood up and invited him to sit down. Wuxing didn't make any rash movements, simply walking to the desk. The guessed chair was really soft although it was made from hard leather and Wuxing complimented, "Not bad. This chair is nice."

"Haha, of course. Everything here is of the best quality." The Boss of the gang laughed as he actually heard this compliment a few times already and pried about Wuxing's origin, "I heard that Sir is busy, how about we proceed to business right away? I heard that Sir was sent by General Long, am I right?"

Wuxing sat in the chair comfortably and explained, "I wasn't sent here by him but he indeed recommended me this place. I'm working closely with him for a few years and General planned to invest his money into this region. He wants me to test this area before he starts his own campaign. I was sceptical at first but General Long gave me access to his men and suppliers so I couldn't reject him. Are you interested now?"

"Very interested indeed." The Boss's eyes brightened and he immediately nodded, especially interested with the part where Wuxing admitted that he works with General Long as partners. Recalling that he still didn't know Wuxing's name, the Boss asked politely, "Can I know Sir's name before we start negotiating?"

Wuxing glanced sharply at him and said indifferently, exposing his current nickname, "I don't have a name but they call me Chameleon. You probably never heard about me as I just came from across the ocean and plan to work here from now on." He already planned to kill the Boss later so he didn't need to worry about that.

Hearing that Wuxing only used his nickname, the Boss copied him, not giving him the full name, "Well then, they call me Red Lizard. How big of a deal we are talking about?" He knew that Wuxing was impatient so he wanted to start talking business. With just a small talk he could tell if Wuxing is a con or an actually came with a real deal.

Fortunately, Wuxing already prepared everything before coming here and proposed, "How about we start with a tonne each of various drugs, all packed and ready to sell. All you need to do is distribute them to the public. We will provide you with men and also organize the bases in a few nearby cities which you will be in charge of. The split will be seventy-five to twenty-five with the latter going to you. If you agree, the drugs will arrive by tomorrow at the latest. What do you think?"

The Boss' eyes widened when he heard the details of the deal but he quickly recovered, asking with doubt, "Is that appropriate?" The deal was just too good to be true which made the Boss suspicious.

With drugs all packed and ready to sell, all the cost of packaging would be eliminated while all they had to care about was distribution and safety. As the latter was already taken care of, the whole deal was simply pure profit for them. What's more, Wuxing proposed them even more on top of that. The ability to expand to other cities which were the best out of this deal.

Wuxing frowned and changed his offer impatiently while showing his previous temper, "What? Is twenty-five too low? I can at most do thirty and that's my final offer. I don't like to negotiate. If you don't take that deal, I will go to someone else."

His offer was indeed really good so he expected that the Red Lizard would react strange to it but as long as he kept calm, he could make it into a legit deal.

Just as he thought, Red Lizard coughed and didn't stall any longer, "Cough, It's enough… I agree. Thirty percent is a great deal." He knew that if this deal was to be finalized, they would be filthy rich.

Wuxing only smiled as if he expected that to happen and stood up, ready to shake hands to conclude the deal but still gave out a warning, "Great. I will come back tomorrow with my men then. There is no need for any contract as trust is the most important. I believe Boss Red Lizard is smart enough to understand that with General Long's connections, no one can cheat on him?"

"Naturally. I would never. Do we have a deal then?" Red Lizard replied with a smile as he also stood up, not bothered by Wuxing's threats as those were a normal occurrence in those types of businesses and they both shook their hands.

Wuxing nodded but then asked, putting the second part of the plan into action, "We have the deal but can I see the inside of this base? We will build a similar ones in the other cities. I like the structure of it."

The Boss naturally agreed and led the way for him, "Sure, follow after me." There were many guards with assault rifles all around the base so it was actually safer for him there instead.

"Boss." The few gangsters greeted Red Lizard the moment they left to the corridor and he nodded back at them, saying, "I will show our friend around. The deal has been finalized. You can follow me while the rest get back to work."

"Yes, Boss!" They all agreed without fail and felt to their previous jobs. With them gone, Wuxing ask the initial question that anyone curious would ask, "Is this base connected to the bank?" He already found the passageway thanks to Devil Face but wanted to test if he the Boss will stay truthful.

Fortunately, the Boss didn't complicate things to him as he began explaining everything to him, "Indeed, there is a way to enter the bank from here and we use it to transport money into the vault. Basically the whole operations of my gang function around this base and all money circulate through here, the Second Vault as I like to call it."

The Boss smiled and flicked with his fingers as a signal and his guard came forward to open the steel doors. What they saw inside was a bunch of people sitting behind desks with piles of cash next to them, the sounds of counting machines working the whole time. Aside from them, there were also five or more guards inside this room. Naturally, Wuxing knew this wasn't all there is.

Just as they thought about it, the slide doors on the side opened and Wuxing could see another room right next to this one with tens of workers packaging the drugs with even more gangsters protecting and supervising the work. Wuxing already knew about that so he wasn't worried. He already had a plan of how to deal with them.

"What do you think? I made sure everything is well organized and working well." The Boss asked proudly, knowing how much time and effort he put into creating this base.

"Indeed, not bad but how do you handle the heat? Isn't it hot in here?" Wuxing nodded as he praised but then wiped the imaginary sweat from his forehead, pretending he was hot.

This put the Boss off as it was definitely not hot in here, with air-conditioning working full time and asked, not understanding the issue, "Heat?"

"Yeah, look, I'm sweating all over—" Wuxing fanned himself with his white jacket, but then suddenly reached out inside of it and two Berettas appeared in his hands. Everyone's eyes widened as they reached out to their guns but it was too late already.


With one pistol aimed at the Boss' head, the other fired to the side, sending one of the guards who lead them inside into the graveyard. The gunshot resounded throughout the room, stunning everyone who didn't have any protecting gear on their heads.

Wuxing knew that not many people would hear him now with most of them suffering from immense pain in their ears so he pulled the boss to himself, forcing him to act like a meat shield just in case anyone fired at him before shooting at the electric switch on the wall, filling the whole room with darkness.