Chameleon: My True Face

105 Dummy chapter 2 - Will edit the chap here.


Anna sniffed as a teardrops fell on her cheeks and shook her head, saying gently, "No… It's not too much. Everyone deserves such happiness. That's actually so romantic… I really want you two to succeed…"

Saying all that, she wiped her tears of happiness away and sat next to him instead, adding, "Don't worry, I won't tease you anymore. You already have someone you love so much. I am jealous." She also wanted someone so dedicated who will love her but she knew it was really rare to find such a person.

Wuxing story only confirmed that she had a good eye for men as she already figured that there was something special about Wuxing before they even started talking. Afterwards, it was only a confirmation period. This actually cheered her up a little as she had hope that she can find the one she is looking for.

"Don't worry, you will find someone that will really care for you. Such a beauty like you only deserve the best. I am still surprised they don't fight for you one the streets." Wuxing assured her, complimenting her in the process which made her smile as she said happily, "Alright, you can stop buttering me, hehe." Anna didn't hide her emotions like Katherine so it was easy to see that she enjoyed being praised by him.

"Now that you know my story, do you believe that I am innocent? I hope you can help me convince Miss Katherine to be gentle with me… I don't think tortures are necessary…" Wuxing pleaded with a bitter smile, not planning on learning what kind of tortures did Katherine had in mind.

This made Anna laugh as she asked, "Haha! Are you scared of Kat? Don't worry, as long as you behave nicely, she won't hurt you… At least when I am around, hehe."

Wuxing couldn't help but follow up with a question, "What if you are not around?" He already had an idea of what she will say but still asked to keep the conversation going. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Anna giggled to herself as she said jokingly, "Hehe, then I guess you need to pray she is in a good mood…" before assuring him while caressing his cheeks, "But I am here. Big sister won't let you get killed."

Wuxing could only smile and lean over on her head before saying, "Thank you. I knew I could count on you." He impulsively jerked with his hands to pat Anna as well but as he was tied, the shackles made from the sheets only tightened further.

Anna happened to see it and immediately called out with concern in her voice, "Oh, are you okay? Do you want me to loosen your ties a bit? Does it hurt your wrist?"

When he heard her genuine care, Wuxing naturally felt better. With such a good girl like Anna, he didn't need to worry that Katherine will hurt him and only flicked his hands a bit to make it looser before shaking his head, "No need. If it will make me more genuine and convince you I'm a good guy then I can handle this much. Don't worry. Thanks for asking."

"Alright…" Anna nodded before looking at the doors and said unsure, "I heard that there is a long queue to the restaurant so it will probably take Kat some time before she comes back… How about you start narrating me your story from the beginning?"

This request made Wuxing suspicious so he asked back, "Huh? Don't you want to wait for her? This way I will have to explain twice, won't I?"

Anna only shrugged and explained further, "Actually, it is enough if only one of us knows the story and report to the higher-ups later. We were both the closest to the mission location so they sent us the mission details but none of us accepted it officially. We still have a few hours to decline it. As a Seven Stars Special Forces' member you should know this, right?"

This answer made Wuxing think of slapping himself for not thinking about it but still asked, keeping it calm as if he knew about it, "Yup, I'm aware but won't Kat be mad that we started without her?"

Anna only smiled and booped his nose as she said, "Dummy, I will summarise to her the most important facts later. If she doesn't come back before you finish, I will be the one to decide what to do with you. Don't you want a big sister to judge your case?"

Seeing her bright smile, It wasn't hard for Wuxing to make the decision as he quickly agreed, "Alright, I shall start then." Anna leaned over his shoulder with an innocent look on his face and looked at him patiently as if she was waiting for Wuxing to tell her a bedtime story, but he didn't mind that, finding that adequate to her character.

He naturally preferred to work with a gentle Anna compared to the sadistic Katherine and began narrating his story, starting from the moment he was framed.


Unfortunately, he never would have expected that this was all the play that both Anna and Katherine performed. A classic good cop, bad cop strategy always worked the best.

Right outside the doors in the hallway, Katherine was leaning on the wall with a tablet in hand and watched something with a focused expression. If one looked at the screen, they would see video footage with Wuxing who was laying on the bed and Anna leaning on him as if Katherine was watching a camera from the inside of the room.

The video was live and Wuxing's voice of him relating his last week live was coming out from her earpiece, "...the next days were basically only me and my girlfriend goofing around while pretending that we didn't like each other so that her father will leave us alone…"

From time to time Katherine would talk through the microphone, giving Anna some questions she wanted to ask, "Can you skip your interactions with your girlfriend and tell me how did you escape? Even with your girlfriend help, it would be hard to leave under her bodyguard's noses. I am really curious." In the next few seconds, she would hear the same words being repeated by Anna.

Wuxing didn't have problems with telling the story but he naturally left a lot hidden. Especially if those were stuff that only he and Dongmei did as no one else could confirm it anyway. He quickly reached the point when there was only his escape plan to be explained but he already thought of using the same explanation he gave to others.

"...It was the lawyer who brought me a mask of his own face on my girlfriend's orders and I used it to sneak away back to the ship while pretending I was him. If you don't believe me, he should be still in Prison so he can testify for me if necessary. We paid him half a million for the job which could be traced. With that, I safely got into the ship and my escape was successful..."

'Huh, quite smart… I guess he was the one who thought of it.' Katherine thought as she found no reason to doubt him before suddenly closing the app and switching into a bunch of data files just to double-check it. She opened one folder titled 'Badu Island' and she found all of the prison employees' profiles inside of it.

Wuxing didn't tell yet how was his girlfriend called but it wasn't hard to trace. She quickly segregated the profiles into male and female before looking for the most beautiful lady out from there. It as the easiest this way as she knew that Wuxing wasn't the type of guy who would be satisfied with a normal girl.

As there were not that many female employees in the Prison, it wasn't hard to her to finally find Dongmei's profile but then she smiled, seeing the name and all blank pages in her profile. Aside from Dongmei's basic information like age, gender and name, there was nothing else. All profiles had at least a few pages of biography and Dongmei had nothing but for Katherine, that was enough.

Katherine highlighted Dongmei's profile and thought happily, 'Bingo. Guan Dongmei… To think that this Wuxing would successfully court the lady of Guan Family. I guess his story makes sense now. I doubt that her father would be happy that his daughter is dating a prisoner. She also has resources to help him escape and even free him but because of their father, they were forced to run away. Hmmm...'

She entered into her thought process for a moment, trying to think of another possible solution but she didn't get any other idea. Her calculations made her ninety percent sureness that Wuxing was telling the truth and ten percent of chance that some details were faked. She wouldn't be surprised if that was the case but that didn't matter for her as the main points were true.

Switching back to the camera, she played the video and heard Wuxing saying hatefully, "... I had to kill him as it was his dad who framed me. Not only that but he even tried to kill me in the prison. Fortunately, I managed to survive and got my revenge. I don't regret it one bit. About the others who also took part in that, I will slowly take my revenge on all of them. What I want to do now is stay low for a year or two, enjoying my time with my girlfriend before coming back to get back on them. I will slowly plan everything…"

"...Don't worry, If you ever need help in that, I will make sure to help you from the inside. What a scum people they are. Just cause they didn't want their sons to lose the status of a Captain, those old geezers acted so despicably. If only big boss learned about it…" Hearing Anna already teaming up with Wuxing, Katherine found it a good time to finally come back and beckoned at the waiter who was waiting with the food for a few minutes already, "Come with me."


"I actually appreciate your willingness to help but I already decided to do it alone," Wuxing said as he smiled at the eager Anna when suddenly someone knocked to the doors and a waiter in a suit came in with a trolley of food. Katherine walked in behind him before saying sternly, "Thank you, we will be alright now."

The waiter naturally bowed and wished with a cheerful smile, "Enjoy your meal, Miss." She didn't let him go too far into the room so he didn't see the tied up Wuxing.

Seeing Katerine pushing the trolley towards the bed, Anna quickly called out while looking at the food in anticipation, "Kat! What took you so long?" When food was involved, she momentarily forgot about Wuxing and ran up to the trolley to see what Kat brought.

Seeing all the dishes, Anna immediately salivated and picked a few for herself before starting eating without waiting for others to start. Katherine also picked a few dishes for herself and sat by the table across Anna, not bothered by Wuxing's questioning gaze.


Seeing all the food, Wuxing's body quickly called out for some and he didn't hesitate to ask with a cough, "Cough, Anna, can I also have some?" He ate a few chocolate bars earlier but that wasn't enough to calm down his raging hunger.

Hearing Wuxing's cry, Anna stopped her bite and scratched her head embarrassedly while apologising, "Oh! I'm sorry. The moment I see food I forget everything around me. I will feed you."

Just as Anna was about to pick up a plate of fish rolls which were easy to feed with hands, she was stopped by Katherine who took the plate and walked up to Wuxing on her steed. Wuxing quickly got a bad feeling about this and his intuition turned out to be correct as Katherine didn't come to feed him but rather for torture.

She sat down next to him and took one solid bit of the fish roll before asking while waving it in front of him, "What can a starving man do for a fish roll, hmmm? How about one secret per one roll?"

Seeing her evil smile, Wuxing found her nickname quite accurate as he called out in his mind, 'Devil!'