Chameleon: My True Face

104 Interrogation - Part 1

The chapter dedicated to Persona1234 and GangLang! My first Crown since I joined webnovel! Thanks, GangLang

♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡


Wuxing could feel the murderous gaze of Katherine as she placed both of her hands on the handles of her katanas which made him quickly escape back to the car, using an easy excuse, "Oh, I think I left my guns in the car. Let me go grab them."

He didn't have time to close the doors behind him as he jumped across the seats to grab his guns but just as he was about to reach them with his fingertips, something grasped him by his ankles and pulled back. Even though he tried to extend his hand further, he was only able to graze the holster leather, unable to grab it. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"Where do you think you are going? I'm really curious and want to ask what you meant when you said we are your girls." Katherine asked as she traced her Katana on Wuxing's butt, placing it right next to Wuxing's family jewels. He could feel the cold metal touching him through his underwear and he naturally froze, not willing to trade his precious treasure for a pair of guns.

"I was just trying to chase them away, okay? Big sister, please let me off. If you killed them all, it would be too much of a problem for us. I didn't want to waste your time with them." Wuxing explained himself, being as genuine as he could but that didn't seem to help as Katherine didn't retreat.

Only thanks to the sweet Anna intervention, did Katherine finally leave him alone as Anna said, pleading on his steed, "Kat, how about you forgive him this time? He just tried to help… We still need to interrogate him so we need him alive."

Katherine only glared at him as she supported herself on his back to pick up his guns with her katana before finally saying, "Alright, but I will use my methods to get the truth out of him."

Wuxing was out of breath after she finally stopped pressing on his lungs and asked while coughing, "Cough, cough… W-what methods?"

He peeked behind him and happened to see Anna's apologetic smile as she said, "I'm sorry big brother, I tried to help."

Katherine just put on her rare evil smile as she assured him, "Hehe, don't worry. As long as you are a good boy, it won't hurt." It wouldn't be too bad of a cheer up words if only Katherine didn't lick her katana afterwards as if she could not wait to stab it through his back.

When Wuxing saw that, he suddenly wanted to slap his previous self who actually had a crush on this sadistic girl.


"Is this necessary? I already said that I will tell you everything you want to know. We are working on the same team after all, right? I'm innocent." Wuxing called out helplessly after checking out the ties around his wrists.

After they took him to one of the top hotel rooms, Wuxing was placed in the king-sized bed and his hands were tied up to the bed rims with a pair of pillow bed sheets. He already knew Katherine was up to something but it turned out she was really serious on torturing him.

Katherine stopped polishing her katana and flipped it skillfully in the air before replying as she placed her foot on the bed, "Well, then start talking. Explain everything from the beginning. We have time." He noticed the red nail polish on her feet as her graceful leg gathered his attention but he quickly looked away after feeling Katherine's killing gaze, turning to Anna who was next to the bed.

He happened to notice her sitting on the chair with one leg on top on another and a notebook laying on her lap. There was a pen in her hand and she looked eagerly at them as if she couldn't wait to see Wuxing's tortures. He couldn't help himself but ask, "Anna, what are you doing?"

Katherine wanted to bash him for changing the topic but let it pass this time as she was also curious what Anna was doing.

Anna only smiled playfully and said while showing them the notebook, "I'm taking notes. It's such a rare chance to see Kat in action so I need to make sure I study well." For now, there were only two words written, surrounded by a bunch of colourful flowers, 'Kat's Torture'. This definitely didn't put a smile on his face.


Just then, Wuxing's stomach grumbled, signalling the deficit of food. It wasn't too loud but the two girls still heard it and actually felt the hunger themselves too. They were supposed to eat earlier in the restaurant but so many things happened that they forgot about it. What's more, they both used their abilities which further deepened their energy needs.

"Kat, how about we order food while we question him?" Anna proposed while rubbing her tummy. She recalled the food she ordered on the restaurant and couldn't help but sigh.

Katherine sheathed her katana without saying anything and picked up the phone, trying to call the front desk on the main floor for some room service but all she heard was silence as if the phone was not working.

"It seems like the phone is not working… Let me go downstairs and order some food to our room instead. Anna, watch over him but don't let him trick you. He is really scheming…" Katherine warned as she quickly decided to go on her own, knowing that Anna was still in her bikini. It would be bad if she met another group of people trying to bother her.

Wuxing didn't deny as he knew that was the truth but he was more proud of it than ashamed. If he wasn't scheming and try to plan anything to perfection, he would long be lost in this world.


The doors closed and for the next few minutes, the room was only for the two of them. Wuxing wanted to use this time to investigate a little with Anna but who would have thought she also had the same idea as him.

She jumped onto the bed without any warning and shamelessly climbed onto his body, settled her butt right on top of his waist. Anna didn't say anything and simply stared at him, demanding an explanation.

Contrary to her expectations, Wuxing asked her with a serious expression, "Are you going to apologise?"

"Huh? For?" Anna naturally asked back surprised, thinking to herself, 'Is he talking about the kiss? Or maybe he remembers more…' His early wake up was worrying her, but she didn't want to use her ability on him anymore, knowing how bad it turned last time.

Wuxing confirmed her first guess as he nodded, saying, "Of course for the kiss that you took from me in the car. I already told you I have a girlfriend but you still forced yourself on me. How are you going to compensate me?"

She looked up close at his genuine expression as if he was offended and thought, 'So he doesn't remember anything else… He would be much more pissed… Hehe…' For some reason, she found his pouting face really cute.

Anna still did not know how did he wake up so she continued to investigate. She laid on his chest and asked while tracing her finger around his nipples, "Can you tell me what do you remember before you fell asleep? How come you woke up so fast?"

"Actually, you kissed me as you were supposed to feed me some chocolate bars and afterwards everything was blurry. It is actually quite weird." Wuxing related the scenes until his supposed memory loss and asked sternly after thinking of a possible solution, "Were there some drugs in those chocolate bars?"

She raised her face to check his expression but he only looked at her hands instead of her face which made her disappointed a little. She didn't have in plans to use her ability once again so he was safe. Sometimes she thought that he thought of her ability but she knew it was impossible and speculated, 'I guess that could be a coincidence. Or maybe he has finger fetish… He keeps glancing at my fingers…'

As if to test this theory, Anna leaned over, this time appearing right in front of his face and answered playfully while bopping his nose, "Dummy, why would you even think about drugs… Do you not remember that I also ate some of it as well? I would fall asleep as well if that was the case. I suppose you were tired after fighting with Kat and just fell asleep because of that."

"Right… I was really tired back then. I still am. Even though I slept, I felt even more tired as if I was fighting a real battle for some time. Do you know anything about it?" Wuxing asked curiously, continuing to gaze at her fingers just in case she wanted to charm him again.

When Wuxing mentioned a battle, Anna blushed a little, quickly trying to cover it afterwards but Wuxing noticed it and asked once again right after, "So there was something after all… What is it? What did we d— Wait…" He pretended to notice something and looked sharply at her neck before asking in shock, "Anna, what do we do?! You have so many hickeys on your neck! There were not there before!"

He shivered and asked hesitantly, "Is it me who did this to you…? I don't remember anything…" There was a genuine worry on his face which momentarily made Anna feel bad for him as she looked away, hiding inside of his chest.

"... If you already know the answer, why are you asking...?" Anna muttered after a moment. A thought of kissing him once again and erasing those memories crossed her mind but she quickly realised this conversation would only happen again as she couldn't get rid of the hickeys he made her.

To her surprise, it wasn't necessary as Wuxing suddenly apologised, "I'm sorry for that… I don't remember what happened but if it was my doing then I'm really sorry."

Unfortunately, this made Anna even more guilty as everything was her idea after all and even if it was fanned by Maya it was her responsibility. She didn't hesitate to stop his apologies as she covered his lips and said hurriedly, "No, no! It wasn't your fault. I lied to you. There were really some weak drugs inside the chocolate bar… It contained a weak aphrodisiac but it seems it worked too well on you as you were too tired… I was just trying to be playful but it turned out like this…"

Wuxing acted quite surprised but then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying calmly, "It's alright. It happened already. We can't go back in time to change it. Let's just forget about it…"

"Mhmm…" Anna nodded right away, but the more she thought about his words, the sadder she got. 'So it didn't really mean anything to him… He must really love his girlfriend…' Anna thought, for some reason feeling somewhat jealous of Wuxing's girlfriend. She really wanted such normal life without constraints like them but it was too late for her, her future already decided for her.

She placed her head back onto his chest, finding it really comfortable there and asked after a while, "Do you hate me? I made you do such a thing with a woman other than your girlfriend…"

Wuxing already had an answer prepared for that, expecting such turn of events, "I don't. I'm just disappointed in myself for allowing myself to land in such a situation. I don't blame you."

Before Anna could say anything, he continued, "You know, after I was framed into murder, I landed in a prison but that was a blessing in disguise for me. I met the love of my life there but because of her influential parents who didn't approve of us being together, we were forced to run away. I'm supposed to meet with her in a few days after she leaves her home. I'm really not a bad guy. I just want to live a happy life with her away from everyone. Is that too much to ask?"

He looked at Anna for the first time, a melancholic expression on his face as he repeated softly, "Is that really too much to ask…?