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33 Risen#re

33 Risen#re


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Talen (Chaos Bringer) had fallen…He was a god who only knew of solitude and despair, for he was hated by all…It was the curse that made it so…It was the curse that had always forced him to be so very alone…Even gods are not beyond their emotions and desires… and Talen had his bottled up since the beginning of time…At least from the beginning of his time anyway…As all things shattered, the heavens cast him a pitiful glance, You chose this path all on your own, it whispered before vanishing.Talen had fallen…But it wouldn’t be for long…No matter how many times he plunged deep into the pits of death,He knew that he’d come back…he always did for trillions of years…It's what made the curse so much harder to bear…Not even death could offer him permanent release…A new him was coming, he would be the same only different, it was hard to explain…Even for Talen who knew so much about everything…Time does that to you, it teaches you so many things…But when he was reborn he found himself in the cold embrace of stone…And as he looked around he found a strange orb slowly sinking into his flesh…He didn't get time to think about it, when suddenly his eyes fell upon a man shrouded in the power of the heavens…he felt himself going crazy, for the man seemed unaffected by his curse…But that was not the end of his stupor, for the man soon said something that left him both shocked and in disbelief…Welcome home, Samsara… said the man with teary blue eyes.How does he know that name… my first name… were his only thoughts